Unge hört auf und greift Mediakraft an

[Online Marketing]

Der Youtube-Streamer Simon Unge, der unter anderem die Youtube Kanäle Ungefilmt und Ungespielt betreibt, wirft seinem Partner Mediakraft Inkompetenz und Vertragsbruch vor. Mediakraft selbst möchte gern die Stellung eines Netzwerks einnehmen, in dem man den Partnern lukrative Werbeangebote vermittelt oder sonstige Unterstützung zukommen lässt.
Nun bröckelt diese Fassade und Streamer erkennen, dass die Selbstverwaltung doch mehr Sinn macht, als sich von einem Unternehmen wie Mediakraft schröpfen zu lassen.

Für Youtuber, die #Freiheit  über den naiven Traum des Ruhms bei Unternehmen wie Mediakraft stellen, gibt es die Website http://adysite.com
Adysite.com ist ein Marktplatz für Werbetreibende und Suchende. Ein Betreiber eines Online-Kanals kann ein Angebot aufsetzen und erhält daraufhin Bewerbungen mit Inhalten, die er über seinen Kanal veröffentlichen, bzw. bewerben soll. Gefallen ihm die Inhalte, nimmt er die Bewerbung an und der Käufer erhält eine Zahlungsaufforderung. Nach Eingang der Zahlung veröffentlicht der Anbieter die Inhalte auf seinem Kanal.

Das Konzept ist simpel und sicher, denn durch das System der Bewerbung kann der Anbieter seinen Kanal qualitativ kontrollieren – er muss nicht zwanghaft jedes Angebot annehmen.

Konkurrenzlos: Adysite.com
10 Gründe warum http://adysite.com die Zukunft des Online Marketings ist:

1. Komplette Nutzung ist Gratis – Gebühren werden nur auf Gewinne erhoben.
2. Höhere Effektivität als Ebay oder Fiverr – der Verkäufer bekommt für jeden erfolgreichen Abschluss 88% des Erlös gut geschrieben.
3. Einfach und flexibel zu nutzen, speziell auf Online-Inhalte wie Blogs oder Netzwerke ausgerichtet.
4. Der Verkäufer ist NICHT GEZWUNGEN zu verkaufen, er behält die vollständige Kontrolle über seine Kanäle indem er Bewerbungen akzeptiert oder ablehnt.
5. Einfache Erstellung und Verwaltung von Werbetexten, Bildern oder anderen Digitalen Inhalten im Message Board.
6. Verkäufer können selbst Preise, Konditionen und Steuern des Angebots bestimmen.
7. Integrierte Besucher-Statistiken für die eigenen Angebote, sowie Favoriten Management.
8. Erweiterte Suche für Käufer – sucht, listet und sortiert Angebote nach Preis, Favoriten, Sprache, Bewertungen, … ect
9. Auch nach dem Kauf noch geschützt: Käufer und Verkäufer können einstimmig den Kauf rückgängig machen. Der Betrag wird dem Käufer-Konto des Käufers für weitere Einkäufe auf der Seite gut geschrieben.
10. Jeder kann mehr Kontakte generieren, mehr Besucher bekommen und hochwertige neue Inhalte für die eigenen Projekte erhalten. Das lässt man sich sogar noch monetarisieren.
11. Kein Netzwerk, keine Knebelverträge und keine Pflicht, regelmäßig auf der Seite zu sein.
12. Es macht Spaß = Angebot aufsetzen, zurück lehnen und auf Leute warten, die einem Geld für Promotion zahlen!

How to automate Online Marketing

What we want is high traffic, aimed visitors and a lot of money with online marketing. Here is the problem: you can’t do it alone. You can’t write long text walls every day just for the sake of the search engine or sign up for thousands of services all over the net.


People ask me how i do it and there are a lot of tricks – most of them highly expensive. But what if i told you that there is a professional SEO tool, doing research for you, spins text, register new accounts and post articles with your backlinks over the internet – all day long! Continue reading

Matt Cutts: “Stick A Fork In It, Guest Blogging Is Done”

Did you read about the statement of Matt Cutts to the guest blogging topic?

“So stick a fork in it: guest blogging is done; it’s just gotten too spammy. In general I wouldn’t recommend accepting a guest blog post unless you are willing to vouch for someone personally or know them well. Likewise, I wouldn’t recommend relying on guest posting, guest blogging sites, or guest blogging SEO as a linkbuilding strategy.”
(source http://selnd.com/KIaFLJ)

Google want to see high quality – but how will you able to control quality? The solution is easy: Continue reading

10 Reasons: New Online Marketing Concept out of Competition

Provide any Online Space and get paid – you keep the full control!

10 Reasons why http://adysite.com is the next generation of online marketing:

Image1. It’s free to use.
2. You get A LOT more out of it, than for example ebay or fiverr – Each successfully completion accredits a net revenue of 88% of the order price to the balance of the seller.
3. Easy and flexible to use, specific designed to monetize online space like blogs or social networks.
4. A seller is NOT FORCED to sell, so he keep the full control over his channels. He can accept or decline requests.
5. Easy management for messages in the message board.
6. Sellers can define their own price and conditions, they can even add taxes or own individual legal additions.
7. Visitor statistics and Favorite Management.
8. Advanced search for buyers – list offers by price, favorites, language, ratings and many more.
9. Everyone can get new contacts, more visitors and good content for free.
10. After-buy protection, start a mutual cancellation to cancel the order. The amount will be credited to the buyer for further purchases.

Visit http://adysite.com, have fun!

Online Marketing for small business and big companies

Let’s start online marketing: what do we have? SOME IDEAS AND FUN! Great, what will we do now? BE BETTER THAN YESTERDAY! Awesome, now what we have here? Adsense, Facebook-Ads, Linkedin-Ads, Twitter Advertising (starts from >5.000 $), Empire Avenue (free!), Teliad, Shareasale, Fiverr, Safe-Swaps, banner ads in Warrior Forum, Neverblue, Clickbank … do you know more? Big or small business, tell me in the comments.


Most of these networks are highly expensive for online advertising and some of them aren’t very effective at all. We want EARN MONEY – ah, do i have your attention again?

Perfect, let’s say i want to monetize my Twitter channel, because i’m popular and have millions of followers – shouldn’t be too complicated, right? But when i want to offer it for example on ebay or fiverr like “You get 1x Tweet on my Channel”;  i have no control over my publications anymore – i’d have to accept every purchase and post their contents. My channels would become spam-machines. Wouldn’t it be way more effective, when i could read the message of the buyer first, before i accept the deal with him?

Visit http://adysite.com

I can offer all of my online content, make my own price and make sure that i got no unwanted content on my channels, by accept or decline requests. AMAZING?! Of course, sign up free – no obligations. Set up an offer and wait for requests to accept or decline, it’s easy like that! Small companies can offer their contents for low amounts, while big companies are able to make their offers very expensive. Marketing agencys can monetize their whole network structure and this is just the beginning: banner marketing, newsletter, blogs … every online space that you own could bring money.

Check out Adysite, you wont regret it – thanks for reading and have fun!

Best Online Marketing 2014 – Adysite.com

Do want to monetize your online space with full control over the price AND the publications? Well, here is your chance:
Best Online Marketing 2014
Everyone got online content like a social network or a blog. Would you sell it cheap or expensive? Or wouldn’t you monetize it at all? I developed a fresh concept to offer and monetize any online space with full control over the final publications. A seller can accept or decline requests as he like.

FREE TO USE – join now on http://adysite.com

A new concept of Online Marketing

Do you have a blog, a social network account or a newsletter?

Do you want more high quality content, more contacts, more visitors and more income?

Let me introduce you a new concept of marketing: http://adysite.com

Create a gig, offer your online-channel(s) and you’ll get requests. Interested users can set up messages and apply to your gig – so you can review their content first, allowing you to maintain full control over your publications!

This way, your channels won’t end up being transformed into spam generators! You’ll have full control over whether to accept or decline requests.

Get too much requests without value (or too many requests at all)? Just raise the price of your gig.

Gather favorites; add a calendar feature; stay in contact with the private message system; optimize the performance of your gigs by checking the statistics and enjoy a new concept of online marketing!

Check out the newest gig by JW
logo twitter 03

For our early starter phase, we decided to give every user that create a gig 3 months premium!

What do you think? Write us some feedback in the comments! http://adysite.com

How to monetize Networks – The easy Way

Do you have a Twitter channel? Or a Blog? Would you like to get paid for tweets or blog posts?

Of course, but just as long as the quality is high enough! Alright, we created a network that let you provide your online channels – YES, you can provide any Online Channel you want! People can set up messages and apply with them to your offer.



So, you keep the full control over your publications. If you accept, the buyer receive a payment-notification. When the payment is complete, you’ll get a notification and you can start to publish the content.

You can set the order to complete, when you are done – good sellers provide their customers as much information as possible. For instance a tweet, you would send the link to the tweet – or a blog post, you would send the link to the blog. There is an integrated private message function to contact your partner. As last step, the buyer can rate the order.

Lean back, work on your networks and create channels with high quality!
AGAIN: The whole system is very flexible. Watch for requests to come in, you’ll get a mail – read the message, approve if you like and earn money!

You can monetize any online space like newsletter, website-banner, ads in online software, social networks, forum signatures … Like i said, the system is flexible (!), so why not create a special offer with all of your networks? Or over many days; or many times – an example: “3 Tweets per day, over 3 days on my 5 Twitter accounts + 1 Blog Post” or “1 Posting in my whole network” – so just spread the word in every channel you have. 🙂

Be creative, the system is fresh and will lead to a new concept of online marketing. Next to a long list of features that is working already (Favorites, Statistics, Calendar, After-Buy Cancellation System, Private-Messages, …) we are working on even more! Try it, or miss the biggest chance to make money in 2014!!! Adysite.com

Adysite – The Marketing Revolution


Do you have a blog? Do you want more good content, more contacts, more visitors and more money?

Let me introduce you a new concept of Online Marketing: http://adysite.com

Sign up free, create a gig, offer your online-channel(s) and you’ll get requests – you are not forced to accept every request. This let you keep the full control over your publications, so your channel will not become a spam-machine! When you are getting too much requests without value (or too many requests at all), you just raise the price of your gig.

Users can set up messages in the Message-Board and apply to a certain gig. The application form is very flexible: they can write an optional message to advise the seller with some individual information, they can add as much messages as they want and they can buy the gig multiple times.
There is an after-buy cancellation system to protect the users, both (buyers and sellers) can start a mutual cancellation process within two weeks after the payment.

For our early starter phase, we decided to give every user that create a gig 3 months premium!

Click here and start now: http://adysite.com